Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Table tennis

This week my PE is table tennis. The first time I practiced table tennis was on Thursday. On Thursday I played with Ben M, Kayden and Josh in Room 3. Then on Friday I played with Ben M in Room 3 backspace, but then we got moved into Room Two . To play table tennis you need two table tennis bats and a table tennis ball. To play you need to hit the ball into your half and it needs to bounce onto the other persons half to serve. I had fun even though we weren't playing to win. I  had played table tennis in the school holidays at Mt Ruapehu but I enjoyed playing it again.
Something that I am proud of is how hard I tried with my eye coordination.
Something that challenged me was keeping the ball on the table.
The learning muscle I used was my collaboration muscle.

Sunday, 14 August 2016


I have been learning about perspective in art. Perspective is making something that's from close up to far out into the distance. I did it by making a fat track then it got skinnier and skinnier until it was gone to the vanishing point.
Something that challenged me was filling in the white gaps with oil pastels. Using oil pastels are hard to use without smudging it. To help you shake the paper a little bit. I enjoyed designing it because I love making art!


Totara hub was learning about Matariki.
matariki is about celebrating the Maori new year but there one is in June for some reason I do not know.
There is some different activities the activity I have been learning to sew.
This is me making my matariki art.
In sewing we taped a Marae to a window then we grabbed a real thin piece of one soft side and one hard side (the hard side is the glue) piece of paper. We taped it to the window because that makes light and easier to see the Maori house to trace it out. Once we traced it out we chose our cotton, I chose red with black patterns. I ironed it together and it looked pretty fantastic.  We then made stars and sticked them on. The muscle I used to get out of the learning pit was my noticing muscle because I noticed my line of sewing was either to small or to big and I noticed how the model looked.